Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Hi our names are Adam & Wendy Yates. We have four beautiful daughters, Laura, Maree, Jessica & Ashleigh and off course our very delightful staffies Konan & Bela. Both Konan & Bela have champion Lines. Konan's full name is Staffgait Cocknbull and Bela's is Sonique Isadora. Our gorgeous Konan has always been Wendy's best friend. When Adam went to Timor poor Konan had to put up with all the tears and sadness, but being the true staffy that he is, he soldiered on and was the rock of our family. He is also our hero. He saved 2 of his 4 legged friends from certain death by making sure that we knew that they were in trouble. A story was actually printed about him in Dogs New South Wales magazine. Our cheeky but very sweet Bela is our little princess. She is so lovable and would do anything to make sure that everyone loves her. We all call her princess because she is so regal and she really thinks that she is not a dog. Bela is our show dog and she is doing very well for herself. We are very proud of both our dogs and are really looking forward to them becoming parents.

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