Pup 1
Pup 2 (Thunder)
Pup 3 Kyra
Pup 4 Zara
Pup 5
Pup 6
Pup 5
Pup 6
Pup 7 Marlee
All our 7 babies
All our 7 babies
All babies are growing so fast and are now eating porridge, weetbix and some turkey mince. They are still feeding from their mum but will shortly be weaned as poor Bela has just about had enough of 7 little staffies hanging off her all the time. Pups are all getting to know their dad Konan really well and he is being a very good boy to his children. The babies are starting to stay awake a lot longer and are wanting to play a lot more. They are also getting themselves into lots of mischief.